Seven seas and many mountains apart;
There will be no end but only a start.
May it be months, may it be years,
Forgetting you is the least of my fears.
My world stopped when our eyes first met;
Your playful gaze was my soul’s destined net.
Happiness lied in the smaller daily things;
Beauty to life, is what love proved to bring.
Through the darkest nights you held me tight;
When I was down, you took over my fight.
If I were wrong, you told me right;
For all my life, you were the leading light.
Many were the joys before eternal pain,
And had I a choice, I’d go through it again.
Fate may have it that we never again meet,
Or maybe someday like strangers we greet.
Let me live with what hope has to buy;
Let me fall for God’s one greatest lie.
We might not have today, but we had a past,
And in my callous heart, it will ever last.